Startup Business Consulting
A facility Consultant can help save you money.
- Do you know which floors will satisfy the inspectors in your area ?
- Is your facility flow through designed to create a cross contamination problem or designed to help process your product easier ?
- How many bathrooms are necessary for how many employees ?
- Do you create a separate office for the inspector or can you share your office ?
- Do you know which exterminating company has the right certificate that's needed for your facility ?
- Do you know what's a "Material Safety Data Sheet" ? Your going to need one.
- Recall Plan
A consultant can help you do the right job the first time so you can save time and money.
A consultant can create a HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), a SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) and other such papers needed to satisfy the USDA inspectors.
There are several HACCP Categories, as per 9 CFR 417.2(b)(1) They are:
- Slaughter—all species
- Raw product—Non-Intact (ground)
- Raw product—Intact (not ground)
- Thermally processed—commercially sterile
- Not heat treated—shelf stable
- Heat treated—shelf stable
- Fully cooked—not shelf stable
- Heat treated but not fully cooked—not shelf stable
- Product with secondary inhibitors—not shelf stable.
Many times we do not need to see the place. Much like an architect, based on the information you provide, we design a work place that will work with you, and that includes safety in mind, while maximizes work space, at the same time be acceptable to any district supervisor (who are usually the ones for opening new facilities). Of course when necessary we could be at your place easily and quickly, to complete any and all work.
To discuss your particular needs call us... 718-382-1226, Leave a message if you don't get anyone.
My Qualifications
Our process is very simple and straight forward.
- We come in make an initial inspection. We then tell you what's wrong, and leave never to bother you again. For $1500 + Travel (if travel is necessary)*. Or we can give you a list of what the USDA will be looking for, and recommend changes to your place without a visit, based on your drawing and pictures. For $500.
- Provide you with paperwork to file for Grant of Inspection. They will provide you with an Establishment number valid for one year.
- Once you make any changes to the facility we originally inspected, you call us. We will put all the necessary paper work together. For:
A. $4000 Raw Ground (non-intact) or Raw not Ground (intact)
B. $6500. if you need a HACCP category for "Heat treated Not fully cooked not shelf stable" products.
C. $7500. If your HACCP category is "Heat treated Fully Cooked not shelf stable" since it is more detailed.
D. $9900 "Heat treated shelf Stable"
E. Slaughter Category ( which includes the raw categories)
- We will setup an inspection with the district supervisor, who approves plants, this takes two weeks, expect to fail, yes I said fail, if they approved you the first time, they wouldn't be doing their job. Once we overcome his/her objections, we will setup another inspection, once again about two weeks. He/She will come and approve you. Each visit is $150 per hour for local Facilities including travel time, or $750 Flat fee + travel* for facilities where air travel is necessary.
- 30 days from approval is when you can open your doors for business. During this 30 days is when you should be working on packaging and labeling of your product.
Congratulation our business is complete.
*Travel Expenses include all ground transportation to and from facility and/or airport, Gas, Tolls, Layover expenses including lodging if necessary, and meals.
Consulting, USDA Facility, HACCP, SSOP, SOP, USDA Facility Consultant